
Nemesis Now

Scythe Pentagram Tealight Holder

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  • Regular price £11.99
  • Will be in stock after

Scythe Pentagram Tealight Holder.

In the middle of this piece, five branches have been lashed together to form a magical pentagram, with each corner creating enough space for five individual tea lights. Surrounding the holder, five satanic scythes connect together to create the border of the pentacle-shaped tea light holder. Cast in the finest resin before being expertly hand-painted, this candle holder is the perfect addition to any witchcraft and Wiccan collection. 

  • Tealight Holder.
  • Cast in the finest resin.
  • Expertly hand-painted.
  • The perfect addition to any Wiccan collection.
  • 15.5 cm

Scythe Pentagram Tealight Holder